Hidabroot Hayom - Daily e-Newsletter

The daily Newsletter is extremely popular not only in Israel but for many thousands of Jews around the world enjoy the daily tidbits of inspiration and Torah.
Hidabroot Sof-Shavua - Weekly e-Newsletter

The organization distributes a weekly, electronic newsletter sent via e-mail. Distributed to over 90,000 subscribers, this newsletter includes articles, lessons in Jewish law, advice, and Hidabroot bulletins. All free, of course – and all fascinating!
Hidabroot Oneg Shabbat - Weekly Shabbat Pamphlet

Every week, Hidabroot edits and distributes 19,000 copies of the 8-page Shabbat fliers. These fliers are distributed in synagogues and various centers throughout the country. The leaflets have thoughts on the weekly Torah portion, articles on Jewish culture and parenting, and a cool section for teens, as well as articles on Jewish law and family matters.