Project IMAH – Saving Unborn Babies
At the beginning of this year - 2015, Rabbi Zamir Cohen announced that Hidabroot was opening a new department called IMAH, to help women who are expecting. Actually, this department started way before the official announcement – and its staff has achieved hundreds of successes to date.
Exactly what kind of help does Project Ima provide? Everything, but everything, that a mother could possibly need, starting from encouraging DMC's during the pregnancy and after, all the way to financial help and household help – every detail, to make sure that women can give birth without worry and raise their children respectably and with great joy.
Sometimes women need information. Often, they’re unaware of the terrible consequences to this step they’re considering called abortion. Sometimes all it takes is a listening ear and a little encouragement for a woman to realize she has a choice – she doesn’t have to abort her baby! Sometimes a woman is concerned about finances.
Whatever it is, Hidabroot helps, supports and empowers these women – and as a direct result, hundreds of grateful mothers cuddle their newborns in their arms.